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Direktoratet for e-helse blir en del av Helsedirektoratet

Fra 01.01.2024 er vi en del av Helsedirektoratet. Frem til juni vil vi jobbe med å overføre innholdet på denne siden til helsedirektoratet.no. Les mer om sammenslåingen her.


The Directorate of e-health is a sub-ordinate institution of the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services.

Established on January 1st, 2016, the Directorate of e-health is a sub-ordinate institution of the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. The former e-health division of the Norwegian Directorate of Health provided the nucleus from which the new Directorate of e-health has evolved.

The Directorate of e-health is responsible for steering and coordination of e-health through close cooperation with regional health authorities, local authorities, technical organisations, and other interested parties.

Main responsibilities include developing and implementing the national policy on e-health, establishing the requisite standards, and administrating the use of e-health methodology nationwide.

Our social commitment is to contribute to make our health and care sector an holistic and evidence-based endeavour, which utilises the new technological possibilities and involves the people in order to achieve better public health, better results from the health and care sector, and better use of the resources.

Our Responsibilities

As the national competent authority of e-health in Norway, our responsibilities include:

  • Implementation the country's policy on e-health
  • Ensuring efficient national administration of e-health
  • Serving as the secretariat of national fora on e-health
  • Providing technical advice and interpretation of the relevant laws
  • Problem description and analysis in e-health
  • Formulating and following up the national e-health strategy
  • Determining the codes, terminology and ICT standards, and their administration
  • Ensuring intersectorial and international cooperation in ICT in health and care services

E-health services

As of 01.01.2020 the responsibility for development and management of national eHealth were transferred from the directorate to Norsk Helsenett SF ("Norwegian Health Network"), which is the provider of a national infrastructure for electronic communication in the health sector.

Citizens can access their own public health records at the web-portal helsenorge.no

Information in English on services and rights (helsenorge.no)

The Code of Conduct for information security in the healthcare and care services