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The WHO-FIC Nordic Centre for Classifications in Health Care (NordClass)

The Nordic Centre for Classifications in Health Care (NordClass) is a center for Nordic collaboration on health-related classifications established in 1987.


NordClass a long history as a designated collaborating center with the Family of International Classifications in WHO (WHO-FIC CC), and the current period of WHO-designation is for 2020-2024.

The NordClass member countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Goals and activities

NordClass works to promote the understanding of Nordic and international classifications, in particular health related classifications (ICD, ICF and ICHI) within the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC).

The goal of NordClass is to inform the Nordic governments about the development of health and health-related classifications and terminologies that is used for statistical data and standards in the member countries. NordClass collaborate with WHO to promote correct use of concepts, content, terminology, and rules for reference.

NordClass organizes its activities in a yearly revised workplan in accordance with WHO terms of reference for WHO-FIC collaborating centres. As a WHO-CC work is performed by participation in WHO-FIC work groups, reference groups and committees.

In parallel, NordClass facilitates collaboration on Nordic issues related to health classifications, that often coincide with the interests of WHO. One example is the establishment of a Nordic information exchange group on the ICD-11 implementation in the Nordic countries, where all members participate and share their experiences.

As the code systems are used for reimbursement algorithms and collection of health data, NordClass also collaborates with the Casemix Centre in Helsinki, Finland and NOMESCO (Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee) in Copenhagen, Denmark. In addition, NordClass performs regular mortality coding comparisons between Canada, and the Baltic, and the Nordic countries.


NordClass organizational chart.
NordClass organizational chart.

The Centre is an independent body with its own budget and board. The board members are appointed by the following national health authorities in the Nordic member countries:

  • The Danish Health Data Authority
  • The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden
  • The National Centre for eHealth in the Icelandic Directorate of Health
  • Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
  • The Norwegian Directorate of e-health

Each body has their own representative in the NordClass Board, which is currently chaired by Dr. Solvejg Bang (Denmark).

The secretariat of NordClass is administered by the Department of Classifications and Terminologies in Health Care in the Norwegian Directorate of e-health, located in Oslo, Norway under the Ministry of Health and Care Services. Joakim Oskarsen serves as coordinator, and Dr. Marie Vikdal as Head of Centre.

The Head of the Centre reports on activities to the Board, and the work in NordClass is performed by affiliated experts mainly provided by the governmental departments/units on classification and statistics in all the Nordic countries.

NordClass is financed through yearly grants funded by the national health authorities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Collaboration and financing are regulated by individual agreements between the Norwegian Directorate of e-health and each of the member countries.


Joakim Oskarsen
Email: NordClass@ehelse.no
Phone: +47 21 49 50 70

Marie Vikdal
Head of Centre
Email: marie.vikdal@ehelse.no
Phone: +47 971 58 216

Postal address

Nordic WHO-FIC Collaborating Centre (NordClass)
Department of Classifications in Health Care
Directorate of e-health
Box 6737, NO-0130 Oslo

Visiting address

Verkstedveien 1
0277 Oslo