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ICPC-2e – English version

The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) is in extensive use in the primary care in Norway.

​ICPC is copyright property of the World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca). The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth , Department of Healthcare Classifications, maintains this web page on behalf of Wonca International Classification Committee (WICC).

ICPC-2e policy on copyright, licensing and translations (ph3c.org)

ICPC-2e fundamentals (ph3c.org)

ICPC-2 contact information

In order to develop ICPC the Wonca Classification Committee (WICC) would like to have feedback from as many users as possible with suggestions for clarification, alterations, or extensions.

Mail to:
Chair: Diego Schrans

WONCA Excecutive: ceo@wonca.net

Repository (updates, translations, 2-pagers): taran.borge@ehelse.no

The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth is responsible for maintaining and ensuring the quality of this web site and might without notice remove URLs that are not working. We will if possible get in touch with the person/s responsible for an URL before any such action.

The ICPC-2e versions on this page follow the version numbering system of ICPC (PDF) introduced by the WICC Update Group in November 2005.

Version Additional information Download
​ICPC-2e-v.7.0 20 february 2018 ​Process codes are updated with inclusion, exclusion, criteria, consider and note. Published in excel and ClaML. ICPC-2e-v7.0 (zip, 290 kB)
​ICPC-2e-v.6.0 6 April 2017 Changes in mapping to ICD-10. The process codes are updated with short title, inclusion, exclusion, criteria, consider and note. Published in excel and ClaML. ICPC-2e-v.6.0 (zip, 290k)
ICPC-2e-v.5.0 19 May 2015 The process codes are updated with inclusion, exclusion, criteria, consider and note. Published in excel, Access and ClaM. ICPC-2e-v.5.0
ICPC-2e-v.4.4 12 January 2015 Changes in mapping to ICD-10. Published in excel, Access and ClaM. ICPC-2e-v.4.4
ICPC-2e-v.4.3 15 September 2013 Changes in mapping to ICD-10. Published in excel. ICPC-2e-v.4.3
ICPC-2e-v.4.2 (Build 424) 4. May 2012 Updated according to WICC meetings in Ghent (2010), Barcelona (2011) and the WICC ICD10 Update Group.

ICD-10 mapping to icd102010enMeta.zip WHO Classification Download(The files are dated 20.10.2011 but codes.txt 11.01.2012)

ICPC-2e-v.4.2 All files

Technicalguide ICPC-2e-v.4.2

ICPC-2e-v.4.1 (Build 413) 16. May 2011 Normalized according to WICC meeting in Ghent (2010).
Correction of errors, minor text changes and changes in inclusion and exclusion terms.
ICD10 references are from the 2005 ICPC-2R book (CD).
ICPC-2e-v.4.1 Access database
ICPC-2e-v.4.0 (Version 1.0) 22. September 2008 Version has been removed, and will be published when the identified errors have been corrected.

Finalized by WICC in January 2005. Corresponds to the book version ICPC-2-R. The electronic version is limited to chapters 10 and 11.

You will need either the datafiles or the Access database.

ICPC-2e-v.3.0 Datafiles and alphabetical index

ICPC-2e-v.3.0 Access database

ICPC-2 tutorial

ICPC-2 brochure

ICPC-2e-v.2.0 This version used to be named "March 2002 version".

ICPC-2-E March 2002 for Access 2002-2003

ICPC-2-E March 2002 for Access 2000 and earlier

ICPC-2e translations

Translations (national versions) and ICPC-2 pager (copy desks in A4 format)

Language Country Pager Version Submitted by
Castillian Spain See Spanish
Catalan Spain ICPC-2e-Catalan (PDF) Sebastià Juncosa
​Portuguese Brazil ​ICPC-2e-Portugese (PDF) 2009.9.9 Gustavo Gusso
​Georgian Georgia ICPC-2e-Georgian (PDF) February 2018 ​Ana Kareli
Chinese China ICPC-2e-Chinese (PDF) June, 2006
Croatian Croatia ICPC-2e-Croatian (PDF) v.1.0
Danish Denmark ICPC-2e- Danish (PDF) 2011-03-24 Bo Nedergaard
Dutch The Netherlands ICPC-2e-Dutch (PDF)
English Master version ICPC-2e-English (PDF) ICPC-2e v.4.1 Anders Grimsmo
Finnish Finland ICPC-2e-Finnish (PDF) v.4.0 Mårten Kvist
French Belgium ICPC-2e-French (PDF)
German Germany ICPC-2e German (PDF) v.3.9 Thomas Kühlein
Greek Greece ICPC-2e-Greek (PDF) Dimitris Kounalakis
Italian Italy ICPC-2e-Italian (PDF) October 2008 Jean K. Soler
Japanese Japan ICPC-2e-Japanese (PDF) 2007.5.27
Maltese Malta ICPC-2e-Maltese (PDF) July 2009 Jean K. Soler
Norwegian Norway ICPC-2e-Norwegian (PDF) ICPC-2e v.2.0 Anders Grimsmo
Portuguese Portugal ICPC-2e-Portugese (PDF) Daniel Pinto
Romanien Romania ICPC-2e-Romanien (PDF) 2-a Marius Marginean
Russian Russia ICPC-2e-Russian (PDF)
Slovenian Slovenia ICPC-2e-Slovenian (PDF)
Spanish Spain ICPC-2e-Spanish (PDF) January 2009
Swedish Finland ICPC-2e-Swedish (PDF) v.4.0 Mårten Kvist
Turkish Turkey ICPC-2e-Turkish (PDF) 2006
​Ukranian ​Ukraine ICPC-2e-Ukranien (PDF) ​May 2017 Vadym Vus
Vietnamese Vietnam ICPC-2e-Vietnamese (PDF) v.4.0 Thanh Liem Vo